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Joomla 3.x Documentation

About T3 Framework

T3 framework 是Joomla最流行的模板框架. 它支持我们所有基于T3的模板,并可用于Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3+. 为了便于升级,该框架采用插件格式,并单独安装. 经过3年多的积极发展,T3框架已经取得了长足的进步,并且更加用户友好, feature rich, 易于定制,具有广泛的响应式布局支持,不仅在所有浏览器和设备上看起来都很好.

How to Access

Select Extensions > Templates > Styles.

Click the 'theme3441 - Home' to edit the home page style.

Go to the General tab.


  1. Development Mode:当您正在开发您的网站时,您应该启用此选项. 一旦它被打开,你的网站直接运行在原始文件- LESS文件. 启用此选项将降低您的网站速度,所以当您完成开发, turn the option off. 当您不开发您的站点时,您应该禁用该选项. This will increase your site speed. 在这种模式下,你的网站运行在CSS上,而不是LESS. CSS文件由LESS文件编译而成.
  2. ThemeMagic: enable the option "Enable ThemeMagic .

Note:此选项应仅在使用ThemeMagic自定义主题时启用, after you finish your customization, you should turn it off.

  1. Legacy Compatible:此选项将使您的网站与Bootstrap 2兼容. 例如,您使用一些集成了Bootstrap 2的扩展. 为了使扩展在您的站点上工作,它将加载Bootstrap 2的一些CSS. 它将加载字体awesome版本3以及..
  2. Responsive: when the option is disabled, 你的网站是一个无响应的网站,你可以为你的网站设置固定的宽度大小. 一旦它被禁用,所有响应文件将不会被加载.
  3. Build RTL CSS:将LESS编译为CSS时,可以选择是否为RTL语言构建CSS. 要激活此选项,请启用该选项并运行Compile LESS To CSS.
  4. T3 Assets Folder: when enabled, 优化后的CSS文件将位于定义的T3 Assets Folder文件夹中. By default, this folder is t3-assets..
  5. Show T3 Logo: 启用在页脚显示T3 Logo的选项.
  6. Optimize CSS:启用此选项时,将使用压缩的CSS文件(.min.css files).
  7. Optimize JS: combined and compress Javascript files.
  8. Link Title for Article View:覆盖文章视图中链接标题的设置. 此设置仅适用于“单个项目”视图.

General Settings

Go to the General tab.


  1. Development Mode:当您正在开发您的网站时,您应该启用此选项. 一旦它被打开,你的网站直接运行在原始文件- LESS文件. 启用此选项将降低您的网站速度,所以当您完成开发, turn the option off. 当您不开发您的站点时,您应该禁用该选项. This will increase your site speed. 在这种模式下,你的网站运行在CSS上,而不是LESS. CSS文件由LESS文件编译而成.
  2. ThemeMagic: enable the option "Enable ThemeMagic .

Note:此选项应仅在使用ThemeMagic自定义主题时启用, after you finish your customization, you should turn it off.

  1. Legacy Compatible:此选项将使您的网站与Bootstrap 2兼容. 例如,您使用一些集成了Bootstrap 2的扩展. 为了使扩展在您的站点上工作,它将加载Bootstrap 2的一些CSS. 它将加载字体awesome版本3以及.
  2. Responsive: when the option is disabled, 你的网站是一个无响应的网站,你可以为你的网站设置固定的宽度大小. 一旦它被禁用,所有响应文件将不会被加载.
  3. Build RTL CSS:将LESS编译为CSS时,可以选择是否为RTL语言构建CSS. 要激活此选项,请启用该选项并运行Compile LESS To CSS.
  4. T3 Assets Folder: when enabled, 优化后的CSS文件将位于定义的T3 Assets Folder文件夹中. By default, this folder is t3-assets..
  5. Show T3 Logo: 启用在页脚显示T3 Logo的选项.
  6. Optimize CSS:启用此选项时,将使用压缩的CSS文件(.min.css files).
  7. Optimize JS: combined and compress Javascript files.
  8. Link Title for Article View:覆盖文章视图中链接标题的设置. 此设置仅适用于“单个项目”视图.

Theme Settings

Go to the Theme tab.

  1. Theme: select a theme for current style. Each style goes with one theme.
  2. Logo Type: choose Logo type (Text\Image).
  3. Site Name: specify your site name.
  4. Slogan: enter a slogan for your site.
  5. Logo Image: upload the image for Logo.
  6. Enable Small Logo:启用此选项以允许在小屏幕上选择新版本徽标.
  7. Display footer logo: 启用在页脚显示徽标的选项.
  8. Footer logo width: set the footer Logo width.
  9. Footer logo image: 上传页脚Logo的图像文件.
  10. Footer text logo: enter the text for Logo. Works with text logo type.
  11. Footer slogan: enter the slogan for your site.
  12. Footer after logo text:指定logo后显示的文字.

  1. Privacy Policy Link: enable the Privacy Policy link.
  2. Privacy Policy Item: specify the Privacy Policy link.
  3. Privacy Policy Label:输入“隐私策略”项的标签.

  1. Left Sidebar Width:设置网格栏的右边边栏宽度.
  2. Right Sidebar width:设置网格栏的右边栏宽度.


Go to the Layout tab.


Select Layout for style. In T3 framework, each style will use one layout (but please keep in mind that one site use many styles > so one site can use multiple layouts simultaneously because T3 use multiple styles simultaneously).

在布局设置中,需要配置的部分有2部分: Module Positions and Responsive layout configuration.


Add-ons Tab

Go to the Add-ons tab.


  1. Enable: enable to load off-canvas library.
  2. Off-Canvas Effect:离画布菜单的侧边栏过渡效果.

Custom Code Tab

Go to the Custom Code tab.

在网页的一些特殊位置添加自定义代码. Those markup will not filter. 请小心从其他网站复制代码.

  1. After : add custom code right after open tag.
  2. Before : add custom code before closing tag.
  3. After : add custom code right after open tag.
  4. Before : add custom code before closing tag.
  5. Show debug module position: add modules in debug position before closing tag.

Layout Settings

Go to the Layout Settings tab.


Typography Settings

Go to the Typography tab.

Change the Page heading and Item heading 特色文章页面的字体大小, Category Blog page, Category Articles, Gallery View, 存档文章和单个文章页面.

Features Tab

Go to the Features tab.

  1. To Top button: enable the option to display To Top button.
  2. Totop text: input toptop button text.
  3. To Desktop button: enable the option to display To Desktop button at mobile devices.
  4. Todesktop text: input To Deskptop button text.
  5. Tomobile text: input To Mobile button text..
  6. jQuery Black&White plugin: enable or disable jQuery Black&White plugin.
  7. Invert hover effect: enable the invert hover effect.
  8. Animation in speed: set the animation in speed.
  9. Animation out speed: set the animation out speed.
  10. Offline Countdown Time: set the cut-off date.




要启用大菜单,请打开导航选项卡. 启用Megamenu选项,然后打开Megamenu配置面板.

Sub-megamenu configuration


此设置允许您配置子菜单的宽度, add column, and add class that style for it.

Columns Configuration


In this level of configuration, you can: Add column, remove column, set width of column, assign module to column.

您应该创建一个空列来启用 Select Module option.

Menu Item Configuration


In this level of configuration, 您可以:启用或禁用子菜单项, display sub-menus in group or not, move menu item to right or left, assign a module to a module menu item, add icon for menu item.

Theme Magic


  1. Select theme to customize.

  1. 通过更改参数值自定义主题.


  1. Base font size:以像素为单位设置正文字体大小.
  2. Base line height: set the base line height.
  3. 字体族基础/字体族次要: choose a font family.


  1. Brand Primary Color:颜色必须以十六进制格式指定(例如,#aabbcc). 此外,还可以从提供的调色板中选择一种颜色.
  2. Brand secondary color:颜色必须以十六进制格式指定(例如,#aabbcc). 此外,还可以从提供的调色板中选择一种颜色.


  1. Large Desktop Width:设置大的桌面宽度,仅以像素为单位.
  2. Gutter Width: set the gutter width in pixels only.

  1. Click on preview to see the changes.
  2. 保存或另存为副本的自定义主题.